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Mininova Torrent Searches in RSS, with a twist

[mininova logo]If you visit frequently, you've probably noticed they started providing feeds for search results earlier this month. The "problem" – not really a problem, I totally get it – is that their feed is pointing to the torrent's page and not the torrent itself. This presents itself as a barrier for programs that support RSS (such as the extraordinary µTorrent ), since they expect the link of each item in the feed to be the url of a .torrent file.

How could I make it work?

Given the awesome Mininova's URL structure, it was just a matter of replacing 3 letters. So, therefore, I give you Mininova Searches in RSS, with a twist::

read the disclaimer, this is not to incite piracy or any other legal activity, is just to provide a easier access to legal, uncopyrighted torrents in mininova. Specially if they come out periodically.


I recommend you to use Firefox Live Bookmarks as a backup, pointing to the original feed, since you won't have information about the number of seeders and leechers on each torrent. For that, make a jump to mininova before starting to download.


You know the drill, anything wrong, shout.


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