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Four Things

You know what they say... There's a first time for everything. So today, my friends, you will witness the first meme to ever set foot on these god forsaken corner of the web.

A couple of days ago I started seeing this Four Things meme on a couple of sites I subscribe, but I didn't think it would ever reach me, for these were big players in the webdev scene. Guess what, Steve Williams from CCCP tagged me, so I'll join the bandwagon and do it just for fun.

Four jobs I’ve had in my life

Mostly summer jobs.

  1. Freelancer in webdesign/webdev
  2. Factory Worker - "Production Controller"
  3. Same factory - Aseptic Filling Operator (later, sub-chief of dept.)

Four movies I can watch over and over

  1. Big Fish
  2. E.T.
  3. Braveheart
  4. Edward Scissorhands

Four places I have lived

  1. Azambuja, Portugal
  2. Casais dos Britos, Portugal
  3. Lisbon, Portugal

Four TV shows I love to watch

This one was hard. I'm a big consumer of TV shows, so it was hard narrowing it down to four. I'll restrict myself to currently showing, but if I didn't Firefly and Monty Python's Flying Circus would take the top spots.

  1. That 70's Show
  2. Lost
  3. Surface
  4. Scrubs

Four places I’ve been on vacation

  1. Algarve, Portugal
  2. Matalascañas, Spain
  3. London, England
  4. Edinburgh/Inverness, Scotland

Four of my favourite dishes

  1. Sushi (still discovering the fine art of Sushi)
  2. Dobrada à Transmontana (traditional dish, lots of beans and disgusting – to some – porc intestins)
  3. Torricado - local dish, which is a sliced grilled bread, scrubbed in garlic and drowned in olive oil. Sided by the expected codfish
  4. Anything my mom cooks. :D

Four websites I visit daily

  1. Netvibes
  2. SearchFox damn. I have to look for another aggregator.
  3. Planeta Asterisco - Don't like to read it through their feed.

Four places I’d rather be right now

  1. Edinburgh, Scotland
  2. Home
  3. California
  4. Swimming in a pool of my own cash

Four bloggers I’m tagging

  1. João Craveiro
  2. Hugo Silva
  3. Civ2boss
  4. Cláudio Franco


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