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Building the website I had the concern of figuring out which – if any – microformats would apply, and with the fantastic help of I came up with only a few. Obviously, since i have tags i would need to have rel-tag implemented. Also, I was going to have links to other blogs, so XFN seemed like a must.
But before i went ahead and implemented these, I had a question.
What will I win with all this?
The question wasn't too hard to answer.
First, I would have a more semantic website on my hands, and that can't be bad, right? ;) Second, since there are some cool guys out there who have built sites like and the well known, these microformats became even more relevant.
Now that I come to think about it, I still need to implement technorati's XML-RPC ping, so that they take notice of every post I make... From what they say on their page, it shouldn't be too hard. :)
Microformats are a wonderful thing, specially when there are tools –like these two I've mentioned – to make a good use of them. I'm sure there are other tools similar to these out there – if you know any, please leave the link in a comment, thanks ;) – that may convince me to adopt other formats.
I am considering to adopt the h-Review for reviewing both movies and albums, but I still need to study it a bit more.
So, anyone reading this who uses any microformats / formats x 10-6 / µ-formats, and wants to share their views? I'd be glad to hear them. :) Maybe I can adopt some of the ones you use myself.
You can read more about these at A splendind website with a lovely design by Simplebits.
Civ2boss on tue, 2 aug 2005 21:28
Anyway I have a question for you andr3, do you know of a textile cheat sheet? I think I found one before but google has failed me for once.
andr3 on tue, 2 aug 2005 22:02
And no, i don't know of a textile cheat sheet. I've searched for it myself and the closest thing i got was this, which i don't think it's what you're looking for. I know i've see a blog which had an help box with a few tips but i think the official one seems easier to use.
I'll keep my eye open.
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