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I'd like to thank the Academy, my family... errr... ops! Wrong speech... i'll save this for another occasion. ;) *gently folds paper back into the pocket*
I do want to thank a couple of people who helped me out putting this project together. From the smallest tip based on user experience to the more educated suggestion about something in the code, everything was very important to make some critical decisions.
My brother, Bruno (morph), was always very helpful giving me feedback from the user POV, and I do apologize for being so demanding, but i needed that and you were always at hand. :) Ines (Isilwen) also helped me a lot with the language aspects, and so did Rita. What point is there in designing a website if you're going to fill it with errors after that? None. So thank you both.
João Craveiro was another one who helped me in lots of technical aspects which certainly helped me out throughout the project. Oh, my good friend Marco was actually the very first person to have access to the testing versions and he gave me very important feedback - as did my dad - which allowed me to correct many errors, bugs, misbehaviors, etc. Henrique and Billy were also important tippers. ;)
I have to mention the folks over at the livejournal communities php, webdesign and webdev. They were all very helpful every time I posted a question, so thank you guys.
As you can see, I bugged a lot of people in the process, but since i can't afford to have anonymous users testing the site, i had to resort to friends, family and colleagues.
Last but not least, i have to thank my girlfriend for all the input she gave throughout these last months and for the patience of putting up with me all this time. :)
And just like any thank you speech, i'm sure i forgot some of you, but i'm sure you know I valued your help as well.
mlouro on sat, 30 jul 2005 15:31
Vai adicionando os conteudos que vou andar por cá para os ver e comentar. bjs **
Isilwen on sat, 30 jul 2005 15:31
Mas continuo a achar que devias ler mais em português.
Yoel Roth on sat, 30 jul 2005 22:35
However, on the semantics aspect, when you enclose text in > and < and /, you're going to throw off a screenreader. It looks like you want it to, but it'll read it as "Greater than home forward slash less than" instead of "home". Fortunately, there's an easy workaround -- insert the text using the :before and :after pseudoclasses.
Civ2boss on sat, 30 jul 2005 22:53
andr3 on sun, 31 jul 2005 05:19
@Isilwen: Oh. Eu até nem tenho fobia a livros em portugueses, senão ia ler poemas de Fernando Pessoa traduzidos para inglês ou assim. Só leio em inglês livros de autores que escrevem nessa lÃngua. Por isso é que nunca li Dostoievski. :p
@Yoel: Thanks man. I still prefer your designs :p And thanks for that tip. I noticed that, because once i put this through a screenreader and the result wasn't all that great just because of that. Your solution seems great, but i don't think IE will understand that. But i'll put that on top of my "stuff to re-do" list. :) And thanks again for creating the syndication feed for livejournal. :)
@Civ2boss: Well not yet. I do plan to re-write the preview method -- and now maybe the actual posting of a comment -- in AJAX. Sorry to disappoint you there. ;)
And thanks for the compliment. Of course i linked you, why wouldn't i? ;)
maria on sun, 31 jul 2005 14:20
1º PaRaBéNs pelo teu novo site!!!! Eu sei que não foi fácil acabá-lo, demoraste muito tempo a tê-lo do jeitinho que querias,n foi? E eu sempre a chatear-te que nuca mais acabavas... era sempre "mais uma coisinha, a última!".. mas valeu a pena mor, ficou muito lindu! (lol..sabes que a minha sabedoria no que toca à internet e coisas que tais não é muito vasta! "lindu" é o adjectivo que eu acho que serve.. lol)
2º Não tava à espera que me agradecesses! :) É que eu não te ajudei mesmo nada (se tivesses pedido eu ajudava, claro!), só insistia contigo para acabares o site! lol não fui uma grande ajuda, pois não? disculpami!! :) valeu a pena tantas horas de trabalho!!
3º Quarta feira vamos para o Sudoeste!!! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!! hehehe
4º Beijinhos!!.. gandes!!! * * * *
5º Luv U!!!! 268 283 68!!
andr3 on mon, 1 aug 2005 05:47
E claro q te agradeci. tu podes não te ter apercebido mas ajudaste em bué cenas, quando te pedia a opinião tu ajudavas, dando o ponto de vista do utilizador. :P
Já liguei ao Ben e ao Donavon para ver se me arranjavam um backstage-pass. A ver vamos, como diz o cego. :P
obrigado pelo comentario. <3 :)
Zeb Denni on mon, 1 aug 2005 13:04
voxmachina on tue, 2 aug 2005 10:14
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