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Unless you're literally living under a rock, you've already heard the commotion about the big announcement on the interwebs today: Google released an OS and named it a "browser"
It includes V8, the javascript virtual machine and — lo and behold &mdash WEBKIT.
So you can guess my surprise when I opened my own site and I saw this:
What you're seeing there is the comparison between Safari 3.1.1 and Google Chrome, running inside VMWare. I have ClearType enabled, so I have no idea why border-radius
has no f—— anti-aliasing!!
Also, where's text-shadow
Google Chrome has got to be using a very stale version of Webkit... because it FAILS at basic CSS3 stuff!
While it's enough to mop the floor with IE 6, 7 and 8, it's not enough to bear the name of "webkit".
Apart from that, it's impressive. Hope everyone using Windows grabs a copy. Dad, I'm not looking at you, stick to Firefox! ;D
Pedro on wed, 3 sep 2008 07:20
andr3 on wed, 3 sep 2008 09:45
Dad on thu, 4 sep 2008 04:23
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